FieldAlytics v3.86 Release Notes
The FieldAlytics team is excited to introduce the following new features into version 3.86 of the FieldAlytics software program as part of our upcoming scheduled feature release.
Farm Plan Product Summary Report
Users of farm planning will now have a new report option available to them, enabling them to see product needs from all farm plans at the organization, business unit, or location levels. This information will enable users to project products needs for the upcoming season based upon the established farm plans for the year, crop, and farm plan statuses. The information is then aggregated and organized by product category (Chemicals, Fertilizers, or Seeds) per location. Select the PDF icon at the organization, business unit, or location level to get started and select the new “Farm Plan Product Summary” report option.
Now, within the “Farm Plan Product Summary” selection menu, define the options that the plan will be generated over. Plans are generated per year and per crop. Users have additional options to then define which plan types will be included. These options include “only actual farm plans”, “only planned farm plans”, or “all farm plan types”.
Once report options have been selected, submit the report for generation. The report will be delivered either via the notification center or email depending on user preferences. The report will organize the summary details by product type as well as sub-classifications for the chemicals. Fertilizers will organize the products based on the dry versus liquid form.
Permanent Field Level Job Notes
Users will now have the ability to create field level information notes within the field “Information” entry form. These notes can easily be referenced by any user within the system for important information specific to the selected profile.
The notes created for a field will also automatically pass over to the Work Order module and show within the PDF job report summary ensuring any user working with a field with set notes, will be able to easily visual reference this information.
Fill in the desired note text in the listed “Field Notes” input box and remember to select the “Save” button at the bottom of the screen.
Users creating Work Order jobs will then automatically see these notes on display within the Work Order summary report on the 1st page.
Please keep in mind that local job specific notes can still be setup and shown on the report as well. Job level notes will display within the traditional “Notes” section on the PDF report. In contrast, the static Field Level note will show up specifically under the “Profile(s)” section of the report directly under the listed field that the note is associated with on its own line within the report.
Report Example Showcasing both Job and Field Notes:
Work Orders
Product Requirements Report
While working within the Work Order module, a new report function has now been made available to the users. To better identify and organize the aggregated product totals within Work Order jobs, the system will now offer a specialized “Product Requirements” report feature.
Users will be able to launch this feature by selecting the “Reports” action button found in the far-right pane of the Work Orders overview screen. Within the Reports section, the user should see two report options. The previously existing “Work Order Overview” which offers a general summary of all selected Work Orders and their job setup details, as well as the new “Product Requirements” report option. This report feature will help isolate and identify just the product related information from the jobs.
This new report will base its report results off the identified Work Orders currently “active” on the user’s primary display. As such, utilizing the available Filter feature to isolate and limit the Work Orders by Location, Client, Status, Product(s), Type or any other method will then limit the overall search requirement and provide a report summary matching the users desired need.
Upon selecting the Product Requirements option, the user can then also determine if they wish to receive a PDF or CSV output of the report results.
The resulting report will organize the information by Location if multiple were found in the search, with number of jobs listed and total Area for each location. Then within each location it will contain the Product Name, Area (including Billable), as well as Product Totals both in Job identified units and Transfer units.
PDF Report Example:
Blender Integration to AGI Fertilizer Systems
To continue upon the system’s ability to work with and communicate to various 3rd Party applications and services, a new integration service will now allow users of AGI Blender systems to setup and communicate Work Order job details to the enrolled blender.
The process to enroll an AGI Blender system (Junge and Yargus) starts over in the Assets module. Within this module, the user will select the action feature to “Add Asset”. This will let the user either do so under a new Blender Asset Folder type or under an existing Blenders asset folder within their profile tree.
Working then from within the Add/Edit modal, the user can quickly fill out all identifying information associated to the Blender (Owner, ID, Contact, Address, Capacity, Manufacture and Map Location/Icon. For this specific setup, ensure that the “AGI” option from the Manufacturer dropdown list is selected.
With the desired Blender now configured and setup, it can be later used downstream within the Work Order job setup functions and ultimately within Operations at the time of Dispatch Configuration.
From the Operations module, use the existing Filter tools to limit and identify all jobs with matching criteria. Use the available “Dispatch” tab to properly sort the job order list. Once the job order has been set, select the “Assign/Edit” action link next to the “Asset” option. This will let the user identify all needs assets for the job, including Personnel, Application Equipment and Blender. Select the “Save” option once all have been set.
At this point, the “Dispatch Options” configuration modal will appear. Within the “Job Options” section, select the check box option then for “Blender Configuration”.
This selection will then pop open another display window specific to the Blender Configuration requirements. From the initial drop-down, select the “AGI Blender” for the type, then proceed by selecting the appropriate AGI Blender from the available dropdown list. At this time, the user will also be able to identify if the job requires the products from within the listed jobs to be Blended. This can be configured for all jobs or on a “job by job” approach.
Select the “Submit” button once all setup items have been filled out. At this time, the system will close out the configuration window and will show a pop-up notification alerting the users that all supplied job details and configuration information have been sent off to AGI Blender Systems.
From the “Dispatch Options” modal, any other job options or desired Report Options can be set for the Dispatch. Repeat the process then for any future dispatch configurations that require communication to your AGI Blender system.
The integration will also allow for the reported Dispensed Quantities to be reported back to FieldAlytics from AGI. These dispensed product values will reflect in the Dispensed Summary details of the Work Order and will also allow for the job to have this information recorded in the job history with a timestamp record as well as automatically set the job status to the “Prepared” state to then kick-off any of the status update alerts to users and provide a filterable reference feature.
Merchant Ag Managing Splits per Field
Clients utilizing the integration to EFC’s Merchant Ag ERP solution will now have greater control and functionality around managing billing splits on a field-by-field basis within the Work Order job creation process.
Users will setup and define their Work Orders the same as always. Starting with profile identification, product and rate selection, inventory site identification, billable services, and any other miscellaneous job details.
Upon entry into the final step of the Work Order setup on the “Notes/Misc” tab, the system will indicate it is “Fetching Splits” for any connected client with this information defined.
With the split information gathered from the API connection, the user will be presented with an option then on the “Notes/Misc” tab to manage their splits. Select the blue “Manage Splits” action button to launch into the “Manage Merchant Ag Splits” modal.
With the split manager window now open, the user is initially presented with multiple options to define Global Splits, specific product splits and Billable Service splits. This initial set of split options are all set and assigned to every field within the job. However, if the user has also set the work order option to the “Make Individual Jobs” function, the Manage Splits modal will also present to the user an all new “Splits Per Field” function.
Select the “Splits Per Field” action bar and the modal will then expose an input function per field within the Work Order job to allow the user to set and define the local field level instances for Global Splits, Product Splits and Billable Services Splits.
Finalize any split updates by selecting the “Save” button at the bottom of the window. Split information defined within the work order job will then pass over to the Merchant Ag ERP solution to allow for accurate billing upon job completion.
Default Template Loading in Operations
Users will now be able to select a Saved Filter Template from their available list to be their default page load view when opening the Operations module.
When working within the “Filter” feature, the user can setup their defined filter view and then from the available dropdown, elect to “Save” the template for future use case scenarios. Building upon this feature, users can now set a specific saved template to be their default load view within the module.
From there, select “Account” option and then proceed to the “Operations” tab. Here you will find the feature to allow the user to set their Operations Default View.
Select the “Save” button to finalize the default template view selection. Now proceed to the Operations Module. The system will begin the process of loading the limited map view and job order list.
To help provide clarity to the user as to why they are seeing the map view and list that is showing, the “Filter” action in the left-hand pane will be expanded and will expose all the identified functions being set by the template assigned as the default load view.
If the user needs to see additional jobs or wants to apply a different filter set, they can simply select the blue “Filter” action bar to re-load the Operations Filter display modal.
Any needed changes can quickly be applied via the available inputs, or the user can elect to “Clear All” current filters as well. Lastly, users can also elect to “Select A Template” from the available saved list within the filter’s modal.
Blend Sheet Updates to Support Liquid Products
Users will now have the ability for their requested Blend Sheet report from Work Orders or Operations to fully include all products (both Liquid and Dry) where the supplied liquid product contains a known product density value.
Based on the supplied density value, the system will then be able to provide both the liquid form rate and quantity totals per product as well as the dry form weight in converted pounds. This update will help ensure any liquid fertilizers or chemical additives that are part of the job’s makeup will properly interact and display within the Blend Sheet report output.
The Blend Sheet report also will feature a handful of subtle visual improvements that include increased font sizes for Product Names, Scale Stop values and Rate values. Color shading has also been added to the report to better separate out products listed within a batch.
Performance Improvements
- Line Attribute Update for Label Display
- Entered Status Jobs Filtered Out by Default in Operations
- Batch Export Update for Raw Files
- Field Sample Merge Fix for Same Event Date
- Yield Data Summary for Wheat Events
- Management Zone Update Values Fix
- Management Zone Boundary Gap Update
- Operation Update for On-Hold Job Display
- Work Order Overview Display Update for Cancelled Jobs
- Job Editing Update for Saved Rx Attachments