FieldAlytics v3.90 Release Notes
The FieldAlytics team is excited to introduce the following new features into version 3.90 of the FieldAlytics software program as part of our upcoming scheduled feature release.
Custom Color Support for Zone Based Field Sample Events
To help bring standardization to the user’s field data layers and their display within the platform, zone-based Field Sample events can now have custom color palettes applied to them. This new feature will function similar to other supported data layers within the Custom Color tool. Based on the assigned Sample ID values within the Field Sample event layer, a standard color value can be assigned to each, thus allowing commonality in the color display for these IDs from one event to the next.
This feature also helps users align and match the colors for these zone-based layers back to that of the originating Management Zone layer they may have been created from. This linkage would then easily allow a user to load and reference both data types and visually align the Sample ID areas back to the Management Zone areas on the field maps and web display.
To get started with using this new feature, proceed into the TOOLS section of the program. Select the option for the Custom Color Tool. Once the page has loaded, there will be 2 distinct options for the user. They can either set up and create/edit a new color palette, or they can work with any of their existing palettes and “Assign” them out to a specific data layer type.
For this new instance, users will select the option for “Field Samples”. This will only apply to Zone-Based Field Sample events where the system can apply the assigned color to the polygon area of each Field Sample ID found within the layer.
When setting up a new color palette for use, ensure that each ID has a color value assigned to it. Users can either elect to manually define each color, or have the system increment the color shading between selected primary colors.
There are no “Unit” requirements for the Field Sample color palette assignments since these are strictly being matched up to the Field Sample ID value. A maximum of up to 20 colors can be defined per palette. After 20, the system will start over and re-use the same 20 colors.
For sample events starting with ID values greater than 1-20, the system will apply the color value for start position #1 and auto increment from there on up. So even though the exact Sample ID is not defined, the color order and pattern will still follow the palette colors set.
If NO color palette for Field Samples has been defined, the system will attempt to follow the same color value from the systems Management Zone logic.
This default approach will attempt to ensure all zone-based layers visually align and each attempt to use the same color per Zone/Sample ID.
To view a layer to ensure that the colors defined within the Custom Color Tool are being followed, simply go back into MAIN and expand the profile tree all the way down to a specific field within the system that contains soil sample data.
Select the “Field Sample” event and allow it to load within the primary map view. The default load will showcase the Sample IDs and the updated color values associated to each. The colors on display should match the color palette saved to Field Samples in the custom color tool.
View of Field Sample Layer using New Assigned Color Palette:
Nightly Profile Updates for Connected Agvance Clients
Users working with grower profiles connected to Agvance will now have several profile attributes searched for and obtained nightly to ensure the best sync integration possible. Each evening if any changes to profile information occurred in the past 24 hours within the Agvance ERP for that connected location, the information will be pulled automatically into FieldAlytics. Updates made within FieldAlytics will continue to flow instantaneously to the connected Agvance location.
Any instances or detections for the following will be imported and/or updated from Agvance to FieldAlytics:
- - New Farm(s)
- - New Field(s)
- - Edited Farm Names
- - Edited Field Names
- - Deleted Farms
- - Deleted Fields
- - Edited Field Boundaries
- - Fields moved between Farms
Work Order
Applicator Report Summary added to Reporting Function
This information is then subdivided further by specific personnel and equipment. The report will show the acreage values by job status and will also include a full sum total of all acres by asset type.
To access the new Applicator Report option, select the “Reports” tab/button from the right-hand pane in the Work Orders module.
Once selected, the “Applicator Report” display modal will appear and allow the user to filter down the specifics of what they would like returned in the final report.
Users can limit the report by specific Status levels. This way, if they were only interested in seeing the numbers for jobs Completed, Invoiced or Finalized, they would simply limit the status filter to these three selections. Users can also select a Date Range, additional email recipients as well as an Asset filter, all used to help limit and organize the end report.
Selecting “Include Detailed Applicator Summary” option will enable the user to see detailed product quantity values for each Personnel and Equipment Asset for the selected statuses and date ranges.
The “Assets” selection filter will automatically hide any asset types not valid for an “Applicator Report”. This would include any physical assets not used within application jobs, as well as any personnel specifically defined as not applicators.
Applicator Report Setup Modal:
Once the report request has been submitted, the system will check against all current work orders available that match the supplied report filter criteria. The report will get electronically delivered direct to the users “Notification Center” alert inbox.
Open the Notification Center inbox modal to then expose the available list of notifications. Under the “Applicator Report” will be any requested entries along with the valid timestamp of the report delivery.
View of Applicator Report Access from Notifications Center:
The PDF product delivered will then clearly display the resulting summary information requested, organized by Location, Asset Type, and Asset Name.
Example Detailed Applicator Summary Report PDF:
Example Applicator Location Summary PDF:
Blender Response Data added to Dispensed Summary
Within the listed Job Details page view, users can now find additional assistance information related to jobs with a connected blender associated to them that has also provided dispensed product and quantity values back to the associated job in FieldAlytics.
The Job Details overview screen will include the timestamp, Product(s) and Product Totals from what the connected device has dispensed out and communicated back to FieldAlytics.
Likewise, within the “Application Summaries” section of the Details page, users can click on the “Edit” link to expose the Dispensed Summary overview modal.
Within this view, new “information” icons will be exposed to the users. Selecting these icons will display the actual Dispensed product and product total value. Users can also click on the “job products” to see the original requested products and amounts that were defined within the original job request.
Information Icon Display within Dispensed Summary Window:
Original Job Product Requirements vs Dispensed Product Totals:
Addition of Finalized App Summary Report
When filling out the finalized details specific to an application event, users will now find a new report summary option to have the system deliver a Finalized App Summary report overview.
This report feature is constructed by the values and information getting identified within the Application Summary form associated to the work order job for the Finalized Status. However, this new report feature will provide a broken-down high-level overview that will provide quick insight on Job Acres, Applied Acres and Applied Product amounts.
Users will also see any associated Assets to the job event (both Personnel and Equipment) and the job type category associated to the Asset.
To request the new Finalized App Summary report, select the report option when viewing the finalized status or from the application summary of the finalized status.
Example Report Outcome for Finalized Summary Report:
Ability to Send Delivery Tickets to Murray and Kahler Blenders
Users working with Delivery Tickets will now be able to ensure products defined within the job setup can be sent to their connected Blenders if the job identified requires blending.
The job creation and setup process is unchanged. This will require the user to set whether the job is for Pickup or Delivery as well as identify the needed products and quantities.
Once the product information and remaining details have been defined, the user can progress the job in the Accepted status level. At this point, the user working with the Delivery Ticket can assign it out to an associated connected blender via dispatch list options. Identical to how Chemical and Fertilizer work orders are sent to connected blenders.
Blender Assignment within Delivery Ticket Job:
For jobs set up as “Delivery Tickets”, there will be no Analysis information sent within the blender request. Likewise, no Dispensed Summary information is returned.
Report Request Preferences in Operations
Users requesting various reports out of the Operations module will now be able to ensure the items included within and various viewing preferences for these reports all follow the defined Work Order module logic available to the users.
Within the TOOLS page, users today can elect to setup various Work Order module defaults for visual display, functions and report options and preferences. These settings previously only applied to functions directly happening within the Work Order module. But now, with this updated release, these same report preferences and settings will automatically get applied to any Work Order report requests generated by the user out of the Operations Dispatch Module control modal.
To establish your report preferences and settings for this module, go into the TOOLS page and select the option for “Location Prefs”. Within this page, select the “Work Order” tab. This will load all the available Work Order modules preferences and settings.
View of the Work Order Location Pref Page:
The Operations Module and its functions are specifically linked to the various options that effect the printing of the Work Order Overview PDF report as well as the Products Requirement report.
While working within the “Dispatch Options” modal, selection of these two reports will then check against any known preferences defined within the Location Preference tool.
Make your needed Report selections along with any other Dispatch setup requirement and select the “Submit” button. This will finalize your request and deliver any available report selections.
View of “Dispatch Options” modal:
Job Information within Operations
Within the Operations Module, users viewing their job list in the Left action pane will now have the added feature of the “information” job details icon available to them. This new feature will provide quick access to the key job details and overview information associated to the event.
Previously, to view job details within the Operations module, users either had to click on the map icon and then select “Show Job Details”, or they had to manually select and expand a job from the left pane and then view the “Job Details” over in the right pane display. Both methods required additional user clicks or actions to find out basic details and information about a job.
With the new “Job Information” icon, users can get all the needed important job details within a single click from the left pane display and not be required to first find, load, or preview a job as they previously had to.
The Information display window will provide details on Work Order and Job numbers, grower/farm/field profile details as well as product, rate, and unit information. Users will also have a visual thumbnail of the field(s) associated to the job and their acreage.
Display of Job Information Pop-Up:
Performance Improvements
- Updated Logic for Completed Jobs Reverting to Assigned Status
- Corrected Error within Product Deletion from Job
- Updated Import Logic for “FieldAlytics” Sample Event Files