FieldAlytics v3.85 Release Notes
The FieldAlytics team is excited to introduce the following new features into version 3.85 of the FieldAlytics software program as part of our upcoming scheduled feature release.
Logged Data Upload Utility in Web Application
Users working with machine logged data files will now find a new utility within the web application to easily allow them to manually upload and process logged data and machine files from various sources. The new web utility will bring the same overall functionality to the service but will now allow the user to handle all their file processing needs directly within the existing web tool.
Previously, users had to install the LINK desktop software on their PC and then log into this stand-alone utility. To add flexibility to the file processing service, the FieldAlytics platform will now offer a logged data file upload feature directly in the web application allowing the user to identify their controller file/file type format quickly and easily, as well as browse for their desired files and have the system do an immediate validation of the file selection made.
Accessing the Logged Data Upload Utility
From the primary action bar that includes the module tab display the user has access to, as well as the Notification Center and Options menu icons, users will now see an additional “Cloud” display icon that will open the logged data upload tool.
Once you have selected the Cloud icon, the system will open the new Logged Data Uploader display modal. The overall functionality and primary display will very closely match that of what was available to the users via the desktop LINK software program.
Processing Your Files
Users will first select their desired “Controller Format” that they wish to upload and process files for. From the available dropdown list, find the controller type of the files that you are attempting to process into the system.
With your format type now selected the next step will be to identify the location of your raw machine files. Use the Blue “Browse” button to open your local file explorer selection window. Browse to the location Folder/File(s) that you wish to select for processing.
Next to the “Browse” button is an informative text alert notification. Select the “Info” icon to display important file information regarding file structure requirements and file validation made on selections by the user. Files must always be compressed into a zipped archive.
With your file selection now made, the upload utility will now display two new action buttons. Select the “Start Upload” button to have the web system begin its validation of the selected file to ensure it matches the controller file format requirements selected in your initial step.
Users can also elect to select the “Reset Form” button that will clear out their current selected files. This option will easily allow you to re-select a new/different set of files.
With a successful file validation response message, the user can finalize the file upload process by then selecting the “Submit” button. This selection will then send the files off to the backend processor and association functions.
The system will close the Logged Data Uploader window and provide the user with a “Success” notification. This same alert will provide some quick text information as to the regards of system notifications for the end delivery and completion of the upload event. Users can either find these completed details via email or online notification within the Notification Center utility.
Batch Yield Normalization Setup and Generation
Users will now have the unique ability to setup, define and process their Normalized Yield layers in a batch function. While working under a desired Grower or Farm, the user can select the “Map” Icon
With the Batch Yield Normalization tool open, the user will be presented with a handful of input selection options. The user can choose the YEAR, CROP(s) and Data Source Preference (From Yield or From Yield Potentials) that will be used in the analysis process. Any option checkbox to make the data inputs required is available. If checked, the system will not generate the normalized yield layer for a field if the required layer is not present within that field’s data sets.
Once all years, inputs and selections have been defined, finish the process by giving the layer a unique identifying name and determining if an additional user will need notification about the completion of this new layer. Select the “Submit” button to finalize the process and send the request off for processing.
The Yield Normalization layers created from this tool will be posted in their appropriate folder under each field where sufficient data was available based on the input criteria defined and will be available for all system tools, analysis, and reporting options.
Work Order
New Filter Option – Date of Status
While working within the existing Work Order Filters feature, users will now have an additional option presented to them specific to the “Date/Range” sub-filter feature. Once the user has selected this filter option, they are then asked if they want to filter their selections down to a single date or by a date range. After making that decision a brand-new checkbox selection will appear for “By Date of Status”.
This new “By Date of Status” option will then allow the user to select specific Work Order status(s) and then have the supplied Date or Date Range be used as a limiter to then only show Work Orders that were set to the supplied status level on the date provided or within the date range provided.
This option will allow users to define any number of additional filters to work in conjunction with the Date/Range feature to best identify and isolate the jobs they are searching for based on the date that the Work Orders/Jobs went into a particular status.
Delivery Ticket Jobs sent to Connected MerchantAg ERP Solution
To help expand the information and details FieldAlytics can share with connected ERP solutions, the Delivery Ticket work order job type and product details can now be sent to EFC’s MerchantAg ERP customers.
The Delivery Ticket is the newest job type in the FieldAlytics work order system. It allows clients to specify product quantities for products that will typically be client applied. As such, the Delivery Ticket work order type allows for the identification of the job either being client pick-up or the alternative option for retailer delivered to the customers specified drop-off location.
Getting Started
From within the Work Order module, select the function for “Add Work Order”. Now select the “Delivery Ticket” option under Type as well as identify the specific customer the Work Order will be setup and billed to. At the bottom of the initial setup screen, the client will see the available “Sync Options” to send the job to their connected ERP solution (MerchantAg). This checkbox will enable itself by default but can be de-selected if there is no desire to send over the billable materials to MerchantAg.
The client must now identify if the job will be for Pick-Up or Delivery as well as define/select the POI (Point of Interest) Asset from their available list. The POI Asset is tied to a physical LAT/LON position and thus allows the job to have a physical point of reference since no Farm or Field profiles are required for this work order job type. POI Assets are setup within the ASSET module and can be used as the reference point for a physical store, shop or building location as well as a defined drop-off location or any other mappable point of reference. Additionally, blender assets are also available as pick-up locations.
Progress through to the next step to identify your Inventory Location site and then specify all Products, Quantities and Units for the items contained within the Delivery Ticket. On this step, the user will be able to see On-Hand quantities of the requested products as well as pricing.
With all the needed items identified, finalize the Ticket creation, and save the job. The details and products identified will then be sent to MerchantAg once the job has been moved into the Accepted status level type.
Delivery Ticket Jobs sent to Connected AGRIS ERP Solution
To help expand the information and details FieldAlytics can share with connected ERP solutions, the Delivery Ticket work order job type and product details can now be sent to connected AGRIS ERP customers.
Getting Started
From within the Work Order module, select the function for “Add Work Order”. Now select the “Delivery Ticket” option under Type as well as identify the specific customer the Work Order will be setup and billed to. At the bottom of the initial setup screen, the client will see the available “Sync Options” to send the job to their connected ERP solution (AGRIS). This checkbox will enable itself by default but can be de-selected if there is no desire to send over the billable materials to the ERP solution.
At this time, this would normally be where the client would identify if the ticket will be for Pick-Up or Delivery as well as define/select the POI (Point of Interest) Asset from their available list. For connected AGRIS jobs, only the “Delivery” option is available.
The POI Asset type is tied to a physical LAT/LON position and thus allows the job to have a physical point of reference since no Farm or Field profiles are required for this work order job type. POI Assets are setup within the ASSET module and can be used as the reference point for a physical store, shop or building location as well as a defined drop-off location or any other mappable point of reference.
Progress through to the next step. The system will quickly fetch all available Operational codes. Use the available pick list to identify and select your AGRIS Operation code selection.
User then will identify their Inventory Location site and then specify all Products, Quantities and Units for the items contained within the Delivery Ticket. On this step, the user will be able to see On-Hand quantities of the requested products as well as product pricing and units.
View of Operations Code Selection List:
Product and Quantity Identification:
With all the needed items identified, finalize the Ticket creation, and save the job. The details and products identified will then be sent to AGRIS once the job has been moved into the Completed status level type. The work order overview window will show the job as “Not Submitted” until the job has reached the Completed status level.
Product Quantities and Totals updated from Connected Blenders
Users setting up and enabling their chemical and fertilizer jobs to be connected to a 3rd Party Blender system will now be able to receive and visually see the product quantities dispensed by the blender systems in a direct post back to the work order job.
Clients working with Chemical and Fertilizer jobs in the system today can elect to “Send to Blender” as one of the job/dispatch control functions. The Send to Dispatch feature allows the user to select a desired Blender asset that will prepare and dispense the requested job products. The Blender Assets available to the user will be populated based on enrollment steps already handled before the job creation step. Users can elect to setup and configure any of their Blender equipment for use within the system.
Once the work order job has been fully defined and scheduled, the contents specified within the are sent off to the associated blender system identified for the job.
The detailed information associated to the job will clearly indicate the assigned Blender asset associated to the job, the original requested products, and their rate/quantities. The Job Details section will now also include a summary of the “Dispended Products” and their finalized dispensed totals. These values found within the “Dispensed Products” section come directly from the connected Blender system and are a direct reflection of the product amount they show on record for being dispensed.
To further expand on the details associated to this information, the Work Order system will set a job into the “Prepared” status level when a connected blender has been able to successfully supply the dispensed quantity values. This update will be reflected via the electronic notifications that go out for job status updates as well as a timestamp entry and visual reference in the “Status History” section of the Job Details.
Lastly, from the Application Summary section of Job Details, users can elect to “Edit” the Dispensed Summary values by selecting the “Edit” link. A display modal will pop-up allowing the user to modify the Dispensed Total value that is associated to each product from the job entry.
Work Order Job Name Updates
To better provide consistency and flow, the Work Order system has changed it default job naming process. Work Order names will still follow their historic approach of Including the Location Name the Work Order was generated under as well as then the incremental unique Work Order number. A similar approach is now used for the Job Naming/Numbering.
Each Job under an organization will follow its own unique numbering system that will auto-increment its counter. This means that users will be able to uniquely reference a particular job ID number for their organization without fear of that same job name/number already being in use.
Each new organization will have their Job ID counter start at 1. With each new job added under that organization the system will auto-increment the job ID name to the next available number in the sequence. For existing organizations, all historic and open jobs have been re-assigned a new unique job ID value to ensure proper sequencing. The historic Job Name with show next to the new Job ID for proper reference. As well, users can still add any custom name/text to the jobs. This will show up both in the user interface display as well as on all PDF reports and within the mobile display.
Yield Case Removal Tool Interaction with Yield Potentials
As specified in v3.84’s release notes, the Fertility module now allows for the use of the selected field(s) Yield Potential layers to be used in conjunction with the soil data to create a soil data + crop removal/nutrient loss Rx event. Building upon this new feature, the system now allows the user greater control of these events by allowing the system to “cut-off” or “reduce” the application rates within the Yield Potential layer based on the associated underlying soil data value via the existing Yield Removal Case Tool found within the systems primary Tools menu.
The Yield Removal Case tool previously only focused its control over the machine logged data yield file layers. But with this latest addition, the Yield Potential layers can follow the same logic and constraints.
Using the Yield Removal Case Tool
From the “Tools” menu, select the option for “Yield Removal Case Tool”. Once the modal has opened, select the “Add” button to create a removal template. At this step, the user can define the Template Name, the Associated Crop it will control and then add in the Element and the Unit of Measure that the Elemental values will be defined for.
The elemental ranges defined can then have a “Removal %” set per row. This unique option allows the user to specify the output recommendation based on either the actual yield value if using logged data files, or the estimated yield value if running the Yield Potential layers.
With a defined Removal Case logic template in place and assigned to your desired location, the user can now begin their Fertilizer Rx process. Within the Soil Analysis mode of the Fertility module begin by identifying a desired field, equation set and all other required inputs of the setup.
Within the right-hand pane, from the “Removal Functions” input option, select the “Add Removal Source” button. This will open the display modal allowing the user to select from a desired Flat Rate, From Actual Yield, or from Yield Potential data layer.
With a desired Yield Potential layer identified for you selected field, select the “OK” button to finalize your selection. Lastly, ensure that any manual yield input values on the Rx setup page have been adjusted and then select the “Submit” Rx button back on the main screen to begin the Rx generation on the map view.
Rx Output Maps: Yield Potential Layer from Removal Template
The resulting outcome will now utilize both the soil test data layer in conjunction with the selected soil equation. The system will also incorporate the Yield Potential layer selected to provide the rate amounts needed to replace the assumed nutrient loss as defined in the Yield Potential layer.
The unique difference now is that targeted soil test areas defined within the Yield Removal case template tool have been adjusted from what would have been their “full” recommendation rate based on various levels defined in the template and any areas that fell above the max level and now receive NO application from the Yield Potential layer as a result. (See the circled areas : soil test levels identified in Removal Template as “high/excessive” resulting in no Application from Yield Potential layer.)
Performance Improvements
- Grower Level Work Order Viewing Update
- Consumption of calibrated John Deere Operations Center API Data
- Work Order Excel Report Update
- Work Order Mass Status Update
- Lab Check-in Sheet Report update for QR Code Display
- Emails Alerts for Work Orders to include Assigned Asset
- Quick Map Report Update for Field Name Display
- Added a “Select All” Checkbox to Notification Center
- Resolved Error within Lookback Analysis Feature