FieldAlytics Mobile Release v1.20

The FieldAlytics team is excited to introduce the following new features into version 1.20 of the FieldAlytics Mobile app as part of our upcoming scheduled feature release.


Data Layer Viewing within Field Profiles

Within the Profiles section of the Mobile application, users will now have the functionality to view and interact with their available spatial data layers. This new feature will bring flexibility and ease to allowing clients quick access to their map layers from any iOS mobile device.

To initiate this function, open the FieldAlytics Mobile app and from the Profiles tab, begin the process of selecting out the desired Client/Farm/Field selection. As a visual reference, the “Maps” icon will not be available in the toolbox until a single field profile has been selected.

Profile Action Button(s) View with a Farm Selected:

Once at the Farm level, complete the process by selecting a field. Upon that selection, the toolbox within the app will update and display the “Map” icon feature.

By selecting the Map icon, the system will then open into a zoomed map view of the field. The user will have the option from this window to access a handful of tools and utilities.

Field Navigation

  • Clients can select the menu icon and have the “Navigate to Field” option display. This feature will work with Apple Maps on the iOS device to then provide turn-by-turn directions for the user to the selected field.

Map View Preference

  • Clients can click on the Map Imagery Layer type icon  to choose between the default “Roads” background imagery, or the optional “Satellite” or “Hybrid” versions of the background imagery choices.

Field Data Layers

  • Selecting the new Field Data Layers icon  will open the “Field Layers” selection window. Within this new feature clients will be able to quickly and easily browse available data sets that are organized by their “type” classification as well as Year and Date.

The initial landing area for the Field Data layers will attempt to organize the data based on “Year”. The application will default to the most current year available that contains any mappable data. 

Within each year that is available, data will then be sub-categorized by its type. There will be independent selects for the following, when available:

  • Yield Maps
    • Yield Values
    • Elevation
    • Speed
    • Moisture
  • Yield Potential Maps
  • Normalized Yield Maps
  • Elevation Maps
  • Aerial Imagery
    • Organized by Capture Date
  • Management Zones
  • Field Samples
    • Available per Analysis Element Type

Use the numeric “Year” display found in the upper-left portion of the window to then expose other available past years of data sets. Select your desired year and the system will then populate the screen with data sets specifically linked to the current selected year. 

This organization method will allow users to easily see their most recent data sets first on the initial default load, but then quickly navigate to any historic events based on their collection date and associated “Year” reference.

Once the proper year has been identified, select you desired map layer data type to have the system provide a full screen view of this data set.

Users will see an image of their data set that matches the exact display found from the web. Any data sets that have had a custom color scale and/or custom data range break points applied will still follow that display function.

On the far-right side of the screen, a vertical histogram has been implemented. This histogram will reference either the default coloring or the custom coloring assigned to the layer. The unit of measure being utilized for the values will show within the header of the histogram.

Within the bottom-center portion of the screen, users will find a drawer for their selected data set. When minimized, this will only show the event Year and Category type that is correctly selected, but when slid open, it will expand to then show the available summary data for the event. For most layers, this will be the “Min”, “Max” and “Average” value for the data set.

Additional Viewing Functions

Upon viewing an initial layer, users can quickly switch between layers by simply clicking on the “Layers” icon again, found over on the right-side portion of the screen. This function will reload the “Field Layers” display window and easily allow the user to choose a new map layer to view within the program.

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