FieldAlytics v3.84 Release Notes

The FieldAlytics team is excited to introduce the following new features into version 3.84 of the FieldAlytics software program as part of our upcoming scheduled feature release.


Display Average Values for Zone Attribute Columns

While working with their newly created or existing saved Management Zone layers, users will now have an added display function shown to them that will calculate and average out the sum of all entered values to the various columns associated to the management zone layer.

This new feature will work with any existing Saved Management Layers, as well as immediately update and display for newly created layers once the user has added one or more attribute columns to the Management Zone layer that include numerical values within that column and has selected the “Save Zones” function.

Zone “Average” Display Example:

The existing Saved Management Zones can easily have their attribute values edited by selecting the “Edit” function within the black control box. Once in this feature, any changes to the existing values will then allow the system to recalculate and update the Average value display for that column.

Select the “Submit Changes” button to finalize the numeric updates.

Upon then viewing the values within the summary box, the newly updated display will immediately reflect the changes made on the previous step.

Saved Rx Summary Report Updates

To better provide detail to the users with regards to the values and products associated to their Saved Rx events, the “Product Totals” summary section of the report will now feature 4 additional columns. These will be part of the standard PDF report request and will not require any special selection in order to be included in the Saved Rx Summary Report output.

Within the summary section users will be able to have the following show on a line per unique product found.

Total Field Area

  • This column will show the sum total of all acres (bounded) for fields that include the specific product listed. This value can vary per product listed if the same product is not found/used on each field listed within the report request.

Avg Rate

  • This column will provide the average rate of the product based on the full field bounded acres value. This number would include possible Zero Rate areas within the prescriptions.

Total Applied Area

  • The column will show the sum total of all acres (applied only) for the listed fields that has the specific product listed and applied to it. If fields had any Zero Rate areas, it would be expected that the Total Applied Area would be less than the Total Field Area value.

Applied Avg Rate

  • This column will show the adjusted Average Rate applied based on the actual applied acreage as opposed to the full field boundary acreage. This value removes any Zero Rate or Un-Applied areas from the prescriptions.

Segment Monitor File Type

Users now have the ability to view the monitor type file extension and source for each segment within a yield event. This will benefit users in many ways such as determining which segments to calibrate in a multiple combine harvester event. The information is accessible by hovering over each segment within the segments tab within the yield calibration tool. 


Blend Sheet Report Generation from Dispatch Configuration

New for the Operations module, users will now find direct reporting options to allow them to setup the configuration and requirements needed to create a single combined Blend Sheet report based on the supplied products, rates and totals from the jobs assigned to their dispatch list.

To enable this feature, users will need to setup a Fertilizer Dispatch list. Utilizing the available “Filter” options, the user can easily identify any jobs needing scheduled that contain the same products, current job status and geographic location, along with any other similar job requirements.

With the Dispatch list identified and set to the desired order, the user will next select the setup option for “Assign/Edit” assets to assign the needed Machine and Personnel type assets to the Dispatch.

The “Assign Asset” popup window will display allowing the user to then select the appropriate machinery and/or personnel to the Dispatch list and select “Save”.

At this time, the system will then open the “Dispatch Options” modal that will further allow the user to define the output requirements and reporting options for the newly created Dispatch list.

Within the “Report Options(s)” section of this popup display, the user will have a selection option for “Create Blend Sheet Report”. This option is specifically limited to Dispatch list orders that contain Fertilizer jobs. For client groups building other application type Dispatch lists, such as Chemical spray jobs, the report option would then show as “Create Tank Mix Report”.

With the options for “Create Blend Sheet Report” enable, additional inputs will be presented to the user for “Blender Capacity” in LBS as well as an option select box to have the system create “Equal Batches”. If the Equal Batches feature is left un-selected (default), the system will build all initial batches to full Blender capacity and then have just the final batch as the remaining partial. With the option selected, the system will take the full product requirement and divide that out, so any/all batches are the same exact weight for the entirety of the batch. Additionally, if the assigned blender asset has a capacity defined that value will be used to define blender capacity in this form.

Select the “Submit” option to finalize the configuration options for the Dispatch. Any requested reports can be generated live or requested for email delivery. If needed, users can later select the “Options” button on their dispatch to modify, edit or re-request any of the reports or associated Dispatch options.

Work Orders

Prepared/Finalized Statuses and Dispensed Summaries

Specific to the Chemical and Fertilizer Work Order job types, users will now have the ability to utilize two additional status levels for their jobs workflow life cycle. Now available for selection are the Prepared and Finalized status selections.

Prepared Status

  • This status will show in the selection list after job has been set to “Accepted”. This will often be used to let the users know that a job containing application products has been Accepted by the Fertilizer/Chemical plant and the products needed for the batch or tank mix are ready. 
  • As Part of jobs wanting to utilize this status, FieldAlytics can now also Display a “Dispensed Summary” as part of the job details and history. This would be the supplied information returned to the software platform from a connected Blender or Dispensary. The summary will display all chemicals or fertilizers associated with the job and the information provided in this summary will be able to flow into the end application summary feature.

In-process Status

  • Dispensed summaries are now available within the In-Process status. Within this status, users can continue to accumulate the amount of product that will be applied as part of a work order. An example where this would be used is the applicator begins applying the product as part of a multi-load job. As the tender truck takes each load to the field from the blender, either the blender operator, or the tender truck driver can update the jobs dispensed quantity to reflect the new dispatched amount. 

Completed Status

  • Within the completed status, the dispensed summaries will now establish the baseline of total product quantities to inform the application summary. Applicators will still have the ability to further update quantities within the application summary to reflect any specific product updates. 

Finalized Status

  • This status will show in the selection list after the “Completed” status. This new status will provide a 2ndstatus level to have the Application Summary details defined. Based on organizations needs and requirements, the Completed status can now just be used as a flag to show that the application portion of the job is finished, and then allowing the “Finalized” status to handle all of the final edits, adjustments and verified product details and totals to be handled.

Within the Work Order and Operations modules, all available Filter functions and email alert options have been updated to both show these selection features and uniquely work with the jobs in these assigned status levels. 

For connected ERP users, job information will still be sent to the respective ERP at the completed status. A forthcoming update will introduce dispensed summaries to the mobile application.

Job Summary Display Update for Hover-Over Function

To promote the interactive communication and the ease of obtaining quick information about a job, the overview page within the Work Orders module has been enhanced to now include a hover-over feature for the Work Order Jobs that can display all the associated Profile and Product related information about the job.

While navigating within the Work Order module, users can now quickly expand any existing Work Order to expose the full job list. Within each row for the jobs, a new display information icon is present. 

As the user hover’s their cursor over this display icon, the system will then present the overview pop-up window. Found within this window is all of the primary “quick” details associated to the job.

The user will be shown a thumbnail image of the Field(s) associated to the job and the full profile identity (Grower/Farm/Field) as well as the Season/Zone listed if the job is limited to a sub-field area of the field. Crop assigned is also presented if this has been set within the job details section.

Specific to the Products, the product name(s), rate(s) and units of measure for each will be listed. Also, within the header bar, the job name and the field bounded acreage and billable acres will be presented to the user. For connected ERP users, the inventory site will be presented in the upper left of the window.

Lastly, any associated job “Notes” that have been logged will be shown within the footer allowing the user looking over the job to quickly see any pertinent details or requirements associated with it.


Utilizing Yield Potential Layers for Removal

Specific to the Removal Application function of the Soil Fertility module, users will now have a 3rd option to utilize when attempting to use crop related yield information for the purposes of removal credits within their Fertilizer application. This new option will allow for the utilization of the Yield Potential layers associated to the fields to be treated the same as a machine yield layer.

To better support this new option, the module will also now offer an new display pop-up modal for the selection of the users removal layer source.

On the Fertility module display window, user will now find an “Add Removal Source” selection option directly under the primary “Removal Functions” action bar. By selecting the “Add Removal Source”, the new display box for “Add Removal Source” will appear.

With regards to Removal Sources, the system now has support for 3 distinct options:

Flat Crop Removal

  • This option allows the user to select a Crop from the existing commodity list and then define a Flat/Average yield that will be uniformly applied to the full coverage of the field.

Crop Removal from Yield Files

  • This option works directly with the machine collected yield/harvest data files. Based on the spot specific yield levels throughout the field, the system will then apply a varying removal rate for the nutrient related removal factors.

Crop Removal from Yield Potential Layers

  • This new options functions similarly to yield files but becomes a great alternative for instances of missing or partial actual yield files. The Yield Potential layers also are eligible to have user influence as they can be generated from Imagery data sources, Normalized Yields, Management Zones and other direct data products.

How to Access the Removal Options:

Select the “Removal Functions” action bar and select “Add Removal Sources”

Once the “Add Removal Source” button has been selected, the user will then be presented with a new pop-up modal where they will see selection options for each of the 3 category type(s) listed above. Use your cursor to select the desired category option needed and then make your secondary selection for the local unique layer you wish to utilize for your removal purposes.

Select the “OK” button to finalize the selection made on this window. It is important to note that various combinations of the available 3 methods can all be used as the same time. 

This combination of selections would allow users to handle a multi-year application that utilizes both an actual yield layer, as well as a yield potential layer to handle the crop-related nutrient loss over that 2 year period.

Follow the normal process then to define any remaining setup items for the prescription event. This includes defining the needed elements, products and rate limitation options. 

The output map and resulting PDF report will showcase the layers utilized to help construct the recommendation and the rates associated to it.

The new functions available for Fertility Removal also will bring with them a uniformity in how the module interacts with the raster layers displayed for the yield data within the Main tab module. Utilizing the raster event layer will provide a direct performance increase benefit and will allow the output maps to more closely match the values presented within that module.

As such, please note that prescription events re-ran post release with removal from harvest files could show slightly different outcomes as versions setup with those same harvest event layers and setup parameters prior to the release. Interpolations and blending of the new raster layer vs grid layer will produce those slight variances.


Including Invoice Number as a Record Type Attribute

Users will now have the ability to associate a finalized Invoice Number to a Completed Work Order job as well as to the official Record Keeping entry for the event. Within the Work Orders module, assigning a Completed Work Order job to the updated status level of “Invoiced” will then display an “Add Invoice Number” action button. Selecting this then will display a manual input box for both the Invoice Number associated to the job as well as any local notes.

Users can then expect to have this information pass over to the associated Record on file for the completed operation. Within the Records module a new display section within the Record will show the Invoice Number and any associated notes provided. If provided, this information will show on the requested Application Summary report when printed. Users can elect to have multiple Invoice Numbers associated to a Record.


Setup and User Preferences Page set to Single Tool Page

The former “Setup” and “User Preferences” tools have been modified to now fall under a single new “Account” tool that is we be the single placeholder for all available options specific to a user’s local account. Under the Tools icon from the main page on the software, the user will find a new selection option for “Account”. Select this to then have the new display modal appear. Within that modal will be 5 unique tabs for several of the user specific functions.

User Profile

  • This tab will showcase any of the specific contact information associated to the user account including Address, Name and Contact Numbers


  • This tab will allow the user to define their standard display units within the program as well as define some of the default view points within the program


  • This tab allows for some basic fertility load options to be set around element and default product. Users can also define their lab check-in sheet preferences.


  • This tab will allow the user to define their alert notification preferences for several different categories within the program. Users can choose between traditional Email notification, the newly created Web notifications that will show within the Notification Center tool or can elect to receive both.

Work Orders

  • This tab allows the user to specify their view preference for number of Work Orders to load per page and to set a default filtered view when the module loads if desired.

Performance Improvements

  •       Resolved error with attempting to create zones from Imagery at the Season Zone level
  •       Resolved error for Soil Sampling Work Orders utilizing the “Most Recently Created Directed Sampling Layer”
  •       Ensured Manual Rx events will email out notifications
  •       Resolved email delivery to Asset Machines for select Rx events
  •       Convert to Management Zone issue resolved for Zone Samples
  •       Work Order notes added to Detailed Application Summary Report
  •       Updated Point of Interest asset filter functions and selections
  •       MSB updated support for Season Zones within the Soil Type report option as well as the Sample Summary Map
  •       Add Yield Potential layers to the “Add to My Layers” features
  •       Batch Profit Planning added 2021 option
  •       Work Order Overview report is now delivered in notification center or in an email. 
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