FieldAlytics Mobile Release v1.19

The FieldAlytics team is excited to introduce the following new features into version 1.19 of the FieldAlytics Mobile app as part of our upcoming scheduled feature release.


Job Notes Display Change and Functionality Updates

Users will now find a greater ease in viewing and finding any pertinent notes associated to the jobs they are working with within the Dispatch control module of the mobile app. As a user selects a job to review its localized job details, they will now find that the “NOTES” section of the work order has been moved near the top of the left-hand display pane.

This move will allow the notes assigned to the job stand out clearer and ensure that they are not hidden nor that they would need to have the pane scrolled down to view the notes. 

Job Notes will also display prominently within the Job Status update screen. Here, the user can again view any notes associated to the job, elect to update, or change the jobs current status to a new status and have the needed current weather observation values presented and saved to the status change.

Job Overview Display View – Job Notes New Location

Job Status Overview/Update Screen

The final modification to the “NOTES” display options will take effect on any job that contains no provided notes. The mobile app will clearly indicate this now with a display text alert stating to the user, “This Job has no notes”.

With that message on display, users can confidently be aware that they are not overlooking or not seeing any job notes associated to the work they are handling.

Job Display – No Notes Alert Message

Work Orders 


Agris Integration Support within Work Order Jobs

Work Order jobs will now have full support for clients working with the 3rd Party Integration to the Agris ERP accounting system. This update will enable Work Order Jobs to be created and/or edited on the mobile application and have full access to all the needed product lists, services, inventory sites and other vital details associated to the service.

Getting started on mobile, the user will define their client profile information as well as the job type. Specific to the Fertilizer and Chemical Application job types, the user will then find an ERP step where multiple features get defined specific to the “Operation” billable services as well as the “Inventory Site” selection.

For the “Operation Type”, the user will find an organized list of billable services provided direct from the integration API. These services all have direct billing codes associated to them based on the in-field operation occurring and the requirements of that operation.

For the “Inventory Site” selection, the user is defining which product storage facility will be used to gather site information from, and relieve inventory from, for the integrated products later selected.

ERP Options View

Within the Operations listing, clients will find the list organized alphabetically. Based on the potential large volume of operational services, clients can also use the integrated “Search” feature to type in a name and limit the list exposure.

View of Clients Operational Billable Services

As the users progress through the job definition process, the next integrated feature is the linkage to the client’s ERP Fertilizer and Chemical product list. This connection will enable the shared products to be view and selected exactly as they are named within the Agris ERP program. 

View of Fertilizer Selection List

View of Chemical Selection List

Remaining job selections and setup options will follow standard work order processes. The client will be able to define any unique job options, window event completion ranges as well as electronic notification settings.

As jobs are set to completed, the finalized definition and product details are then sent to Agris via the connected API solution to allow for seamless integration of the job-related details for downstream inventory and billing functions to easily occur.

Updated Action Button Display

Users working within the Work Order job setup process will notice the addition of a handful of new “action” buttons designed to bring feature parity throughout the mobile app.

Specifically, the function of adding and/or deleting fields from the profile selection process now feature a distinct action button for each as opposed to the former “Add” text and “Delete” swipe functions that were in place.

Action Button Display for Profile/Field Additions and Deletions

User working specifically within the “Seeding” work order job type will also now find that the “Add Varieties” action feature has been updated to the same button style display to initiate this feature.

Contact Information Display Updates for Job Details

Users will now find contact information and details pertaining to the user/salesperson that initiated the work order job. This detail is in addition to the contact information that is also showing for the grower the job was setup for.

Salesperson/User Created Details will include:

  • Name
    • This is the person who was logged into the system and created the work order job and all its associated details and information
  • Email
    • This is the email address associated to the login used and is directly tied to the account’s username.
  • Phone (Mobile/Office)
    • The primary contact number listed for the user. Different functionality related to the phone “type” will exist for call and text services embedded.

For any user account that does not have a provided contact phone number associated to it, the job display field will be excluded. Users can interact with these contact values in multiple ways. Direct integrated functionality to your devices Phone and/or Email service applications will allow users to simply press on the direct icon or anywhere within the bar for each type to launch an action display modal.

For email addresses, this will be a “Send Email” function with the option to Send or Cancel. For phone numbers, this will allow for “Call”, “Message” or “Cancel” to be the action select items. The “Message” option is a text message feature that will only show for phone numbers listed as “Mobile” and works through your device’s carrier service.

Chemical Tank Mix Display Order Updates

For clients setting up Chemical jobs via the web application, the mobile app will now ensure that its display of the chemical tank mix product list will match the entry order for display to the user. 

Whether the products were manually added or selected via a saved Tank Mix template, both the Web and Mobile apps will show these in their fixed order to ensure consistency in the display and utilization processes.

Web Application Chemical Product Order Display

Mobile App Chemical Product Order Display



Field Lock for Finalized Scouting Events

To ensure the security of the captured information from a Scouting Event on the mobile device, new measures have been put in place to prohibit the editing or modification to an event flagged and set to the “Finalized” state.

As a user fills out and identifies the information they want in a Scouting event, the system treats this as an “Open” event. Even as the user has saved various Observation and Recommendations to and event, the overall event is still considered “Open”. However, from the Scouting Modules action bar, once the user now sets a completed event as “Finalized”, all editing and modifications are locked. The user will only be able to request their detailed report summary on this event.

Finalize Event Action Bar

With the “Finalize Event” text selected, the system will provide to the user the following new alert message:

With the event now “Finalized”, all system functions associated to the scouting event are locked. From the “Action” bar, the user is then presented with a limited selection feature offering just the “View Detailed Report” option for the multi-page PDF summary of the collected details.

Performance Improvements

  •        Implemented a policy change that would restrict that once a job has been placed in the Completed status, it cannot again be set to that same state or any earlier status level.
  •        Application Jobs (Fertilizer and Chemical) will now have the ability to create the Flat Rate Rx file associated to the product selections and rate inputs. Previously, only jobs created on the web application had the ability to create the Rx file
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