FieldAlytics v3.79 Release Notes
The FieldAlytics team is excited to introduce the following new features into version 3.79 of the FieldAlytics software program as part of our upcoming scheduled feature release.
Soil Elemental Analysis Map Display Update
Users will now be presented with two new map display options when setting up and running their Single Panel Lab Analysis maps for their Field Sample soil events. Within the selection of the “Single Report” option from the “Action” dropdown menu list, the user will now be presented with a series of additional select box options for the configuration of the report.
Getting Started
Users will first identify the element(s) they wish to generate colorized surface maps for. Once those have been selected, under the “Options” section of the report setup page the user will be able to define the various report options they wish to see.
From this list, two new selections will exist:
- Overlay Sample Sites
- This function is specific to POINT based Field Sample event types.
- This selection can be run in conjunction with the other report options or by itself. If ran by itself, it will now allow for the PDF report to create the colorized surface map image and then ONLY show the GPS point icon of the sample locations.
- This feature allows for a cleaner map image without the clutter of the analysis result display showing on the map, but still allow the user to understand where in the field sample points were collected to drive the colorized map display.
- Include ID Values
- This selection will now allow for the PDF report to create the colorized surface map image and display the Sample ID value associated to the test result
- Previously, only the analysis result could be displayed on the map layer.
- This option can be run by itself to just show the Sample ID in conjunction with the map layer, or the user can elect to show both the Sample ID value and the Soil Test analysis value.
Work Orders
Kahler Alert Notifications Update for Jobs
To better assist the users working with the Kahler Blender integration, new functionality has been rolled out that will provide a notification alert to the user who submitted the job order if any issues arise during the submission to that 3rd party service.
Within the recently added “Notification Center”, users will now receive alerts regarding any failed Kahler submissions. From the Notification Center users can get an overview of the effected Job ID and Name and will have functions to either attempt a “Resubmit” of the job, or the user can elect “Delete Job”.
The notification can stay in your summary pane or can be cleared out once read and handled via the available action options.
Notification Center Preview Window:
Acreage Sum of Selected Jobs and Dispatch
For users working within the Operations module, additional acreage summary information will now be available within the Dispatch Log tab when viewing and working within any created and saved Dispatch list.
The total dispatch acres will be summarized and on display directly under the Dispatch List ID number. This quick summary can then allow users to make any adjustments or determinations based on the volume of acres assigned out to the dispatch list.
Operations Dispatch Log View:
Automated Soil Fertility Rx Generation
This amazing new feature is designed to help optimize the time and energy needed to build and run bulk prescriptions within the program. Now, users will be able to create pre-determined Rx templates and apply those to their locations so that when soil data is processed and associated to a fields sample event layer, the system can kick-off the Rx generation process and store the created Saved Rx events to the field.
For users wanting to take advantage of this advanced functionality, it will require that the location/user has available Fertility Rx templates. These are the same Rx templates that are used today within the Batch Rx manual feature as well as the standard Soil Fertility Analysis mode.
Getting Started
Users working within the Soil Fertility module can select any available profile that contains a Field Sample event. Once selected, identify the Equation Set, Crop and Elements that will be part of the saved template scenario. Once the elements have been selected, locally identify items such as your desired Fertilizer Product(s), Machine Min/Max/Switch rates as well as any other control factors or cost/price inputs you wish to have stored to the template.
Complete this process by selecting the option in the lower right-hand corner of the window for “Save as Template”.
Utilizing Your Saved Templates for Automated Rx Process
With your templates now established, proceed to the TOOLS page of the software program. Within the available list a new selection will be available for “Automated Prescription Generation”. Select this option to have the window populate.
On the left-hand pane, the user will see their full profile tree based on their account access level. For users with more than one location, you will need to drill down within the profile selector and limit your selection to a single location. Once you have your location selected, you’ll be presented with a single action button over on the right side portion of the display window for “Add New Template”.
The template created within this tool is a modified version of both a current Rx Template and the control features identified within this tool. The Automated Rx templates can contain more than 1 saved Rx template. This allows for several variations to run when the process is initiated.
The template being assembled for automated Rx generation can be defined to run for any field under the selected location once soil data arrives or can be limited to a specific grower within that location if the template is local to that client’s needs. You will also provide a new Template Name at this step and identify what all saved Rx templates will be part of this single Automated Rx process. Lastly, additional users can be identified to have email alert notification get sent out once the templates have run against any field and the Saved Rx events have been created.
Template Setup Overview:
What to Expect:
With your desired templates now established and assigned, the system is set to begin automatically creating prescriptions based on the guidelines set forth in those templates. The process will kick off once an empty Field Sample event gets its soil data results associated to the points.
This can happen 2 possible ways:
1. Manual file upload/merge of soil result data to an empty soil point set
2. Lab file upload/merge of soil result data to an empty soil point set
In either scenario, once the system has registered that all points have data, the field will have a distinct flag set for it and will be placed into a periodic processing queue. This allows us to gather several fields/events and perform a batch/bulk process at a single time. So please be aware that your Saved Rx layer may take up to 1 hour to show under your field after soil data has been received and associated to the empty field sample event.
Notifications pertaining to the newly created Saved Rx will go out to the associated user and any additional users flagged to the notification function. User can also elect to receive their notifications direct to their local notification center alert window.
From the Notification Center alert window, users can quickly preview the full list of any “Rx Map” generated via the Automated Prescription process. There is also functionality to generate their PDF document for viewing or storage purposes.
View from Notification Center:
When selecting and viewing your Saved Rx event under a field a couple new items should stand out. The Saved Rx event name, if generated via the Automated Presciption Tool, will now include the time stamp from when it was created and will include the “auto_generated” text at the end the the name.
Likewise, in the righthand overview pane, the display name, creation date and user associated to the template/process will all display. The system will also flag the event to the status type of “Auto” for management purposes.
All other associated functionality, utilization and features for the Saved Rx event will function the exact same as a standard Fertility Saved Rx layer. Users can now elect to Print, Download, Export or generate a system Work Order with the prescription layer.
Agris ERP Integration Setup and Functionality
To continue with the expansion of connected partners, FieldAlytics now offers a unique API connection to the Agris ERP accounting solution. Users working with this software package can now connect their accounting program to their FieldAlytics data solution to streamline the communication of vital profile, product and job order scenarios.
Getting Started
Users wanting to establish this connection should first contact both the FieldAlytics and Agris client services teams. This will ensure any needed API permission updates have been established to fully allow access to all client data that is utilized within the API communication service.
Next, go into the TOOLS menu and select the option for “Connect 3rd Party ERP”. Within the “Select ERP” dropdown you will find an option for “AGRIS”. Select this and then the system will have you verify the associated client name for the connection. Users will then also confirm the connected “Enrolled Locations” that will be taking part in the integration. This allows for an organization to activate and roll-out the integration on a location by location basis when needed. Be sure to select “Save Enrollments” to finish this initial step.
Crop Import Function:
This function will then allow the system to pull across the organizations “Agris Crop List”. This process starts by utilizing the “Import Crops” button from there, the user will have the ability to link each of the supplied Agris Crops to the associated “FieldAlytics Crop” by name and then also match this to a “CDMS Crop” by name.
The Crop Import function will allow a user to take their exported Agris Crop list file and create a new crop list entry into FieldAlytics. Users can also set their various crop code definitions and regulatory crop name values during this process.
Crop Import Window:
Grower Sync Function:
This last feature within the connection tool will allow users to link their Agris profiles direct to their FieldAlytics grower counterpart. Within the tool, select a desired grower. Next, manually enter in the associated Agris Client ID into the ERP Grower Search entry box. The system will provide back immediate result information and then begin to pull in and sync across all associated Farm and Field profiles for the selected grower.
Once back in the MAIN tab, you will notice an immediate update to the icon display for any connected locations and profiles. The “ERP” icon will show to the left for any connected locations and growers. Farms and Fields under connected growers will have the “synced” circle logo to show that a full and valid connection to the 3rd Party ERP solution is in place.
Any new Farm or Field profiles added from FieldAlytics on a connected grower will automatically get sent over to the Agris ERP solution. No user-initiated sync is required for new profile entries on a connected grower.
System Integrated Functions:
With your connection established, several features from within the FieldAlytics program will now utilize and benefit from the integration.
- From within the Fertility program, all fertilizer product lists will populate with the Agris supplied products.
- Work Orders for both Chemical and Fertilizer will sync to Agris and provide back submission receipt verification codes
- Job setup allows for Agris specific Operation tags to be defined and assigned to the work order
- Upon jobs being “Completed” a full job export is sent to Agris to allow for management, inventory relief and invoicing to occur.
Performance Improvements
- Resolved Management Zone shape download error
- Modified the formatting for the Multi-Year Yield Report Summary
- Resolved filter concern for Records/Application Detailed Report
- Update to show field yield totals on Yield by Management Zone Report
- Resolved Yield Removal case de-selection function
- Resolved display concern with Multi-Grower, Farm/Field Map
- Update to preserve global variable order in Fertility overview
- Update to display custom chemicals within Chemical Management Tool
- Update for Tank Mix template to use custom chemicals
- Resolved error with “Add from Blend” function in Work Orders