FieldAlytics v3.76 Release Notes
The FieldAlytics team is excited to introduce the following new features in version 3.76 of the FieldAlytics software program as part of our upcoming scheduled feature release.
Grower/Farm/Field Dashboard
Users will now have a new interface to explorer their Grower, Farm, or Field financial performance without having to load individual farm plans. Any farm plan that is designated as “Actual” will be aggregated into a summarized view. When the profile tree is opened at the grower, farm, or field levels, users will see a drawer at the bottom of the map.
The drawer is opened via the user clicking on the bar, at which time, the map will also update to the profile zoom level that the user is viewing. Users will then see aggregated financial statistics organized by crop year. Columns are sortable by clicking on each column’s header. Additionally, users can hide columns that are not of use via the pencil icon and unchecking the desired column.
Individual crop years can then be explored in depth by clicking on the “Show” button for the respective crop year. Within a crop year financial performance is summarized in total and by each individual crop. Again, each column can be sorted by clicking on its header.
Automated Normalized Yield
When a user creates a field boundary in FieldAlytics, many pieces of information are provided automatically such as imagery, yield potentials, elevation layers and SSURGO management zones. Now, users will see a normalized yield layer upon field creation calculated from all automated yield potentials for the field. Users will be able to identify this layer from user created layers via its name, the crop year of the most recent yield potential + “5yr NDVI – FA Auto”. This layer will appear when a field boundary is created or modified. Over the next few weeks, users will see this layer appear for all existing fields in FieldAlytics.
Quick Map Report in Notification Center
Users can choose to have the quick map report delivered via the notification center when generated. When a user wishes to generate a quick map report it will no longer attempt to open in a pop-up window, instead a new notification will appear in the notification center. The user will click on the notification type of “Quick Map Report” and then choose which notification of that type they would like to view. The report will be available by clicking on the “PDF” link within the notification. If a user chooses additional email recipients the report will still be delivered to those additional emails no matter the user’s personal delivery preference settings.
Additionally, users will have a preference if they would like this report delivered to the notification center or to their email, like logged data session notifications.
New Asset Attributes
New assets attributes have been created for application assets. These new attributes are optional and include:
- Controller Type
- Type of Machine
- Number of Bins
- Bin Size
These attributes further allow differentiation and detail to be assigned to the various assets as part of the organization. These attributes will be taken advantage of in the future by FieldAlytics for further automation and convenience.
Work Orders
Application File updates within Work Orders
Updates for the system generated shapefile for chemical or fertilizer work orders has taken place. Within the Chemical application jobs, the shapefile generated will contain both the Carrier Product and Rate identified, but also include column attributes for each individual product and rate specified. Fertilizer jobs will now contain any additional chemical additive products within the attached shapefile Rx file included. Previously, this was only set to include Fertilizer products within that job type.
Application Summary Requirements
Locations are now able to define what components of the application summary are required to be completed by their applicators on the completion of an application job. With these requirement options now identified, applicators will not be able to successfully save and complete a job if a required field has not been populated.
These options are now available under Tools-> Location Prefs utility. Next, scroll down to the new section titled “App Summary Requirements”
Application summary requirements can then be defined individually for both chemical and fertilizer work orders.
Select a work order type and then begin defining what fields will be required for the specific location. Fields that can be required are:
Select a work order type and then begin defining what fields will be required for the specific location. Fields that can be required are:
- Crop Assigned
- Asset Assigned
- Nozzle Type and Pressure
- Field and soil conditions
- Personnel and Personnel License
- Time In/Out
- Wind Speed, Wind Direction, and Precipitation
- Signature (Mobile Only)
Assigning Work Order Jobs and Dispatches to Blender Assets
Users now have the ability to assign Blenders to Work Orders that have been set up as asset types. Within the Assets page, there will be 2 new Asset Types for “Blender – Dry” and “Blender – Liquid”.
When configuring the Blender asset type, users will have the ability to define the following attributes associated to the Blender:
While configuring the job setup criteria for a new Dispatch, user will be able to assign their Blender Asset to the Dispatch via the “Assign/Edit” Asset option. From the “Assign Asset” window, scroll through your available list of both Machine, POI and Personnel type assets to assign any/all required types to your dispatch.
As part of this new Blender Asset information, users can also have the stored Blender Capacity imported within the Work Order job, when including the optional job setup feature for “Include Blend Sheet”.
On this step, users will now see a new option for “Select Blender Asset”.
Select this button and the system will open up an asset selection modal. Users can browse through their available asset folders and pick any available Blender type assets.
Once selected, hit the “Submit” button and the system will automatically pull in the associated Blender Capacity value associated to the Blender unit. This value can be modified if saved/stored incorrectly.
This saved value along with the populated Fertilizer product entries and rates will then all be passed over to the Blend Load sheet report that is part of the saved Work Order job configuration and display.
Scouting Records and Report Updates
To help provide new options and methods for communication within the program, the Scouting event entry form within an observation was updated to include several new input attributes that can be captured and detailed.
These include:
- Crop Variety Name
- Crop Health
- Accumulated GDD
- Rainfall Since Planting
- Canopy Closure Range
- Soil Moisture
- (0 – 1 ft)
- (1 – 2 ft)
- (2 – 3 ft)
- Insect, Weed & Disease Observations with new inputs for:
- Stand Loss
- Leaf Loss
- Yield Loss
- Nutrient Deficiencies
- Name/Type
- Severity
- Stand Loss
- Leaf Loss
- Yield Loss
- Other Damage
- Name/Type
- Severity
- Stand Loss
- Leaf Loss
- Yield Loss
These new scouting observation attributes can be hidden if desired by going into the Tools menu and selecting the “Location Prefs” option. From there, select the “Scouting” tab option and a full list of all available attributes will show.
From here, the user can elect to activate or de-activate any attributes that they do not wish to be part of their location’s standard observation form list.
Pricing Support within the Chemical Product Management Tool
Admin level users can now define a price for each chemical in the product management tool. New entries within the tool for both the Wholesale and Retail price are now available for input. Products that have a Retail price associated with them can then have those values passed over into both Profit Plans and within field event Records.
Beyond pricing, the Chemical product management tool also provides full support of inputs to define Work Order default Unit of Measure, Transfer UOM and Package size options.
Performance Improvements
- Resolved an error if work order report was generated for work order without jobs
- Resolved an error if a user attempted to delete an asset folder
- Resolved a display error when importing some field sample layers via csv
- Resolved an issue where SSURGO Soil Names were not displayed in managements zones that created them
- Resolved in issue where certain characters like “/” caused exported DBF files to have blank column headers
- Database performance improvements when opening the location level in the profile tree
- Resolved an issue where “%” symbol in management zone name caused download errors
- Resolved an issue where adding a new field to an in-progress job reverted all fields back to entered status