FieldAlytics v3.72 Release Notes
The FieldAlytics team is excited to introduce the following new features into version 3.72 of the FieldAlytics software program as part of our upcoming scheduled feature release. Download the release notes here: FieldAyltics-v372-Release-Notes.pdf
Detailed Farm Plan Report
Users can now generate their action plan for each event that is within each field profit plan for the season. In the Farm Plan report users see each event of product application organized by date, with product quantities and a running balance of expenses accrued throughout the growing season.
Additionally, users will see their categorical and event costs both in a $/acre value along with a $/bu value. The Farm Plan report will be generated for each field that is included in the report for that crop year. This report is accessible within the reports menu for that profit plan of the profit plan report menu at the grower or farm level action menus.
Updated Color Scale Display Rendering
To provide clients with the best possible solutions to viewing their map and report layers, FieldAlytics has implemented updated histogram color scale display rendering. These new updates will better handle the occasional high and low end data value anomalies that can often offset a standard histogram and shift the color ranges for the data values that might only effect a very small portion of the overall result values.
As-Planted Machine Layer
Users working with the map layers will now see instances that better allow the MIN and MAX display values to follow the standard bell curve of the data. This is especially apparent when working with machine data sets that often can have “outliers” that otherwise could throw off the overall range of data.
Using the weighted average method to adjust for these outliers, the maps will now display the adjusted Min and Max ranges and offer colorization for values that are below or above these extents. The adjusted map rendering has no impact on the actual raw data or any of its use cases within analysis tools found within the program.
Additional Map Update Display Examples:
Soil test Analysis Map
Fertility Rx Map
Creating Management Zones from Yield Potentials
From any of the derived “Yield Potential” data layers, users will now find options to generate analysis zones from the layer. This new functionality will provide options then for the zone layers to be used within reports, analysis, prescriptions, and jobs via the defined data values and attributes within the Management Zone.
To start the process, create a “Yield Potential” layer from an available imagery data set found within the system for your desired profile.
Within the Yield Potential tool, ensure that the proper Commodity and Unit have been defined. Also, if desired, users can adjust the Min or Max yield values if you feel the pre-calculated extents do not properly match known or historic trends within the fields output abilities. Users can also utilize the “Average Yield” option to instead use that as the meridian value and calculate the lower and upper yields from the known average yield value.
With the Yield Potential layer now created and displaying under the field, there are multiple options available to utilize the layer for zoning purposes.
You can select the Multi-Input Zoning tool from the “Action” dropdown on the right. Allow the tool to load. From the “Add Layer” function, you will see all of your created Yield Potential layers within that folder. This can be ran by itself or in conjunction with other data sets for the purposes of Zone creation and data value attribute assignment.
Users will also be able to set and define the use of the Yield Potential layers within the Batch Management Zone template creation tool. Select the options that best fit for the template you are creating, add the layers and save your template for later use in creating batch instances of your management zones.
Assign Exclude from Fertility flag for Field Sample events
Within the FieldAlytics program, there is default logic programmed for Field Sample events to have the newest event be used for any map reports, UI display or Rx analysis scenarios.
As such, between normal sampling intervals, users often may perform a limited sampling event targeting a portion of a field or one that may be isolated to only checking for certain analytes. To help assist with these scenarios, FieldAlytics now offers the user the ability to flag a sampling event as a “Spot Check” event.
With the event set to this exclusion option, the system will then have the ability to exclude this event from the standard logic that would otherwise include the most recent sampling event in any Master Soil Book map pages, Rx Analysis and any other mapping scenarios.
Setting up the “Exclude from Fertility” flag:
- Select your Field Sample event from the profile tree within Main.
- From the “Actions” dropdown in the right pane, select “Edit Sample Layer”.
- Click within the “Exclude from Fertility” checkbox.
- Select “Next” and then “Finish on the following page.
This setting can be removed if it is later determined that the user would want the sample event to be used within the default logic that automatically pulls in the “Most Recent” sampling event for both Mapping reports, Master Soil Book and Rx analysis.
Work Order Tab
Application Timing Details on Job Setup
Within the setup for both Chemical and Fertilizer application work orders, users will now have additional input attributes for “Application Timing” found within the “Options” tab/step of the job order creation process. These become a stored attribute of the job and will show on the PDF and job details.
Users can then also perform needed search filters based on these set values. Within the “Job Filters” function found both in Work Orders and Operations there will be a new option displaying “Application Timing” and selections for any/all of the various category options for this section.
Chemical Product Filter Updates
To better help limit the overall product display list within the Chemical Product filter function, a new feature has been added to allow the user to limit the product display by chemical “Type”. With this selection box enabled, the user can then select between the following classification types:
- Adjuvant
- Defoliant/Desiccant
- Fungicide
- Herbicide
- Insecticide
- Miticide
- Nutrient
- Plant Growth Regulator
- Soil Amendment
The user can select multiple “types” for a single filter search. With a category type selected, the system will then find any/all job orders that contain a product matching this classification and return a job list for the user to pick from.
Performance Improvements
- Removal and correction of duplicate Yield data layers in profile tree
- Including the Work Order number on the Detailed Application Summary
- Enabling the selection of the flagged Default “Ship To” address
- Updates to the WO Job overview report (XLS/PDF) for App Timing details
- Adapt-N modifications to gather most recent recommendation