FieldAlytics v3.73 Release Notes
The FieldAlytics team is excited to introduce the following new features into version 3.73 of the FieldAlytics software program as part of our upcoming scheduled feature release.
Creating a Work Order from an AgSolver Profit Plan
Users can now utilize existing AgSolver Profit Plans to build and populate their Chemical and Fertilizer Application work orders. This integrated feature will help ensure that products and rates defined within your budgeted plan will pass over into your job orders and make the product selection process seamless.
Getting Started
Users will see a new “AgSolver” icon displayed within their profile selection process. Selecting the icon will expose a secondary pop-up selection window where you will be able to view all existing profit plans for the profiles.
View of Profit Plan event selection tree
Users will find their existing profit plans organized by Year. Within the available year folders, the system will then show both “Planned” saved budgets and “Actual” saved budgets.
The system will allow the user to select multiple budget instances to ensure all needed products associated to the budget plan will be pulled across into the work order.
Once the user has finalized all selections, finalize the process by pressing the “Select” button on the modal. Select the “Next” button to progress to the products section of your chemical or fertilizer job.
On the Products tab, the system will have imported all products associated to the plan and their assigned rate. Additional products can still be added at this time as well as any needed updates or adjustments to the existing listed products and their rates. Complete all remaining actions and steps as normal.
Creating Normalized Yields from Yield Potentials
Users can now generate normalized yield layers from yield potential layers setup within the program. The Yield Normalization tool will now provide new functionalities to go along with a new look for the report and analysis setup.
Any available yield data layer from a machine logged event will show up in the traditional “Select Yield Layers” selection box. Users will now find a “Select Yield Potential Layers” selection box that will expose any available synthetic yield potential layers generated.
Users will now also have the option to run the analysis process live or send it off to the background to process. If the user elects to run the analysis live, there is a new feature that will give them the option to permanently save and name the layer. Users will also find a new feature to create a Yield Potential map layer from a Normalized Yield layer.
Yield Normalization Analysis Setup
Yield Normalization – New Event Functions and Display
Sharing Yield Data with Data Silo
Connected growers linked to the Data Silo integration within the FieldAlytics program will now have a convenient way to share desired yield data layers to that program. Users can drill down to the needed layer via the Main tabs profile tree. Once the user has selected a specific yield data layer and loaded it, there will be a “Send to Data Silo” icon available under the “Lock Event” action button.
Users can then take advantage of any embedded tools and features within their connected platforms to Data Silo to later view or work with the shared data set.
Uploading Appending PDF to Master Soil Book
Users can now include an Appending PDF document to the end of the Master Soil Book. This document will be the last page(s) of the MSB report and can be specific or unique per location within the system.
How to Configure the Appending PDF page
- Go to the TOOLS menu
- Select the Location Prefs option from the dropdown list
- Within Location Prefs, select the “Master Soil Book” tab option
- Scroll down to the bottom of the newly load MSB setup page
- Find the option for “Append PDF”
- Selection the “Browse” action button
- Locate on your computer the location of the desired document
- Select the “Submit” button to confirm you action
- Setup and Run your MSB report
View of Location Pref Tool page for MSB Adjustments
Work Orders
New Unit of Measure Quarts per Ton
Within the setup for both Chemical and Fertilizer application work orders, users will now have the UOM selection option for Quarts per Ton. Products added within this UOM selection will properly convert the rate for instances of product total calculations in accordance with supplied carrier rate and tank size values.
Filtering by Sales Rep ID
A new filtering option will now allow users to easily sort and filter by the Sales Rep ID number assigned to Growers within the system. This feature will be extremely useful in situations where a group needs to limit job orders for growers linked to a specific salesperson.
Defining a Sales Rep ID
This process initially starts within the User Admin console. Here, admins can quickly and easily define the user account setup for a salesperson. Within the “Account Access” tab, ensure that the account has been set to the “VAR Representative” setting level. With that set, the user now no longer requires any specific “Profile Access” to be defined.
Instead, under the “Account Info” tab, the admin can identify the internal Salesperson “Rep ID” for that user.
Within the FieldAlytics system, under specific growers that are or will be assigned to a salesperson, the users can set and define the “Rep Number” for that grower by following the steps shown in the below image. The “Rep Number” is a permanent value that is linked to the grower profile within your tree. Please note that multiple Sales Rep ID’s can be assigned to a single grower.
Filtering by Rep ID in Work Orders and Dispatches
- Within the Work Order or Operations module, select the “Filter” tool function.
- Select the “Customer” filter option from the available list
- Within the Customer Filter screen users will see the existing “Select Customer(s)” option as well as a new “Rep Number” select box feature
- Once selected, the system will then expose a “Select Rep Number(s)” option for the user to pick from any available existing Rep IDs that have been setup within the program and linked to Growers/Customers.
- Submit your Rep ID selection(s)
- Identify any other needed Job filters to properly limit the final exposure of Work Orders.
- Select Submit to run the filter
- The system will only show Work Order jobs that not only meet the Rep ID limitation requirement, but also any other defined filters.
- This functions the same within Operations Dispatch filtering or direct Work Order job filtering
Rep ID Selection Display within Filter
Updated User Interface
The Operations module will now include a handful of new visual functionality to better assist users working with the map interface to identify or view existing job orders.
Boundary Outline by Status
Once a user has zoomed in to a “local” level on the map, the system will now outline any field(s) associated to the job pins displayed within view with a colorized display of the field boundary. The job pins currently shown on the map are based on the job’s overall status level. As such, fields being outlined will also show colorized based on their current job status level along with their field name.
Additional Details on Work Order Pin Marker
User can now click on any Work Order pin and within the Job Details link, all available setup options, products, rates or other information will be listed within the pop-up.
Zoom to Work Order Map Function
From the Job List view in the Left Pane of Operations, users can now click on a Work Order from the list and the map view will update to show all Jobs and associated fields for the entire Work Order. This will provide better visual clarity on the full scope of the job and its geographic coverage. Users can still select then a single job to expand the job details in the right pane and to limit the view to that further local level on the map.
Consuming Invoiced AgVance Blend Tickets
Within the setup of an AgVance connected location, users can now enable invoiced Blend Tickets from AgVance to create finalized Records within the FieldAlytics program.
FieldAlytics will pull nightly any newly invoiced Work Ordre Blend Tickets. As part of this, the system is currently set to only search for Chemical or Fertilizer jobs. Future consideration may apply. Within the search function, FieldAlytics will only pull in tickets that can link directly to any connected Grower/Farm/Fields within the system.
Setting up the Record Creation Connection
From the Tools, page:
- Select the “Connect 3rd Party ERP” tool option
- Select an New or Existing location and select the “Edit” function
- Fill in any required setup options for User/PW and Database Name
- Beneath the “Locations” link feature you’ll see a new select box option
- “Create Records from batch not originated from FieldAlytics”
- Check this box to enable the feature
- Select “Save” to finalize your action
Within the Records module, FieldAlytics will then populate and create records from these invoiced Blend Tickets and Job Orders.
From the Calendar view, users will see both Chemical and/or Fertilizer records that will by default show with the Blend Ticket ID number and the Connected “ERP” cloud logo. These will be the visual indicators for any record generated from the automated ERP connection process.
Once the user selects on a specific record from the calendar, they will notice that the Summary Page and the Details Page contain these same attributes. Within the header, the program will list the Blend Ticket ID number as well as the Connected “ERP” cloud icon for display purposes.
Product IDs, names and cost are all directly passed within the invoiced record and presented on the form. Values within the record can be edited to allow users to include any additional attributes or information not passed over within the invoiced ticket.
View of the Details page from a connected AgVance ERP Record
Support of Multiple Carrier Products within Chemical Records
Within the Records module, Chemical Records created with multiple Carrier products will now properly identify each carrier product and handle the correct product requirement calculation within the batch. Within the Chemical Work Order setup, jobs flagged for the “Use Fertilizer Additive Products for Carrier” will now be organized together within the created Chemical Record.
Upon creation of the record, the system will then organize any Water or Fertilizer Additive from the job as a carrier product. This will show in both the record Details page as well as the Record Summary overview page.
View from Record Summary Overview
Configuring Scouting Attributes for Mobile
Within the Location Preferences tool page, users will now be able to configure some of the base attributes available within the Mobile Scouting application. This configuration can be set per location and can be modified at any time.
The intent of this new tool feature is to allow groups to only visually see both in their scouting page and report, the options that they feel are relevant to the items being captured while out in the field.
Accessing the Scouting Preference Setup Page
- Go to the “Tools” menu page
- Select the option for “Location Prefs”
- Select the new tab option for “Scouting”
- Select your desired location for which you will make the view modification for
- Deselect any scouting attributes you wish to not see within the Observation Form.
- Press the “Submit” button to finalize your changes
Updated End User License Agreement
EFC Systems firmly believes that your data belongs to you. We are excited to announce that EFC Systems is joining Ag Data Transparent. The ADT organization’s core principles align with our values around your data privacy and security and as a result we have updated our license agreement to simplify this understanding.
The next time you log in to FieldAlytics, you will be presented with this updated version of the end user license agreement. Please take time to read the agreement and note that you must agree before proceeding into the application. If you need to reference this agreement at any time, it is available with in FieldAlytics under the user menu. Please reach out with any questions.
Performance Improvements
- Removed unused work order attributes
- Updated Tank Mix Sheet to use Transfer Unit of Measure
- Resolved an issue of the As-Planted Summary not generating for some users
- Resolved an issue with Veris data failing through manual uploads
- Added Grower/Farm/Field Information to the Tank Mix Sheet